Architectural Review, Single-Family Residential (ARSF): Application & Information Packet

Single-Family Architectural Review (ARSF)


New single-family houses and most additions to houses require ARSF. Please see the criteria below and use the ARSF trigger worksheet to determine if an addition requires review. ARSF applies to:

  • Any new single-family house
  • Any addition or alteration to an existing single-family house when it results in:
    • A 35% or more expansion of the structure’s footprint (area covered by the ground floor of the dwelling), or
    • A new second or higher story, or
    • A 35% or more alteration in area measured in square feet (sq ft) of an existing wall plane (except for the wall plane of a side of the dwelling located in a side yard where the side yard of the dwelling abuts the side yard of an adjacent dwelling).


Anyone undertaking a construction project on a single-family house that meets any of the above criteria must apply for ARSF through the Planning Division prior to building permit application through the Building Division.  ARSF approval is a staff decision and can take several business days.