Tualatin Traffic Study Requirements

Traffic Study

Tualatin Traffic Study Requirements:

Tualatin Development Code Section 74.440 states:

The City Manager may require a traffic study to be provided by the applicant and furnished to the City as part of the development approval process as provided by this Code, when the City Manager determines that such a study is necessary in connection with a proposed development project in order to:

  1.  Assure that the existing or proposed transportation facilities in the vicinity of the proposed development are capable of accommodating the amount of traffic that is expected to be generated by the proposed development and/or
  2.  Assure that the internal traffic circulation of the proposed development will not result in conflicts between on-site parking movements and/or on-site loading movements and/or on-site traffic movements, or impact traffic on the adjacent streets.

The required traffic study must be completed prior to the approval of the development application.

This document describes the protocol typically used by city staff to decide whether or not to require a traffic study, what needs to be included in each study, and how each study needs to be conducted. 

City staff may require additional traffic study and/or waive certain requirements if, in their professional judgement, it is in the public interest to do so.  

Cooperation between the applicant, the applicant’s engineer, and City staff is strongly encouraged throughout this process.  Please do not hesitate to contact City staff with any questions.


All proposals must include:

  • A Site Plan showing the proposed development and how it relates to the public street system
  • A description of the proposal and anticipated uses of the development
  • A description of the amount of traffic that would be going to or from the proposed development. 
  • A description of onsite traffic circulation and connectivity (including any potential effects on public streets)
  • Sight distance at project access points (such as verifying drivers can adequately see oncoming traffic, pedestrians, etc. when pulling into or out of the site).
  • Evaluation of site access compared to spacing standards for access to or near Arterials or Collectors