Active Aging Week (Oct 2-8)


Active Aging Week celebrates how positive the process of aging can truly be. Active Aging Week encourages adults over the age of 50 to take advantage of all that life has to offer. Staying active in all areas of life is good for the body, mind and soul. The benefits are even greater when you participate in fun or meaningful activities with others. 

The Juanita Pohl Center is happy to participate in this event by offering fun activities for anyone who wants to get the most out of life. Join us for exercise classes, walks, special presentations and more! *Pre-registration is required for select programs and activities noted below.


FULL WEEK EVENT: Walk Through the Week - Challenge yourself to see how long you can walk in a week! Record the number of minutes you walk between Oct. 2-8. Turn in your form by 5pm October 11 to be entered to win FUN and MOTIVATIONAL raffle prizes. Forms can be dropped off at the Pohl Center or emailed to
CLICK HERE for Walk Through the Week Form


Monday, October 2

9-9:30am - JPC Walking Group - Come walk with us! FREE

11:15am-12:15pm - SilverSneakers Classic - FREE during Active Aging Week

2-3pm - Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body - Join us to learn about the latest research providing insights into how to make lifestyle choices that may help you keep your brain and body healthy as you age, and use hands-on tools to help you incorporate these recommendations into a plan for healthy aging. FREE
Pre-registration required. CLICK HERE to Register

Tuesday, October 3

1:30-3:30pm - Intro to Pickleball - Come experience the exciting game of pickleball, a paddle game with a plastic ball! You will learn the basic rules, practice the basic shots, and play a game or two. Instructors will also explain where and how to find where you can play in the future. Wear comfortable/active clothes and athletic shoes, equipment will be provided. FREE
Pre-registration required. CLICK HERE to Register

Wednesday, October 4

10-11am - SilverSneakers Classic - FREE during Active Aging Week

2-3pm - Intro to Tai Chi & Qigong - Want to improve your balance? Increase your concentration and focus? Feel calm and content? Learn Tai Chi & Qigong! Give it a try. This one-hour class will give you a taste of these wonderful arts that have lists of benefits. Plus, they are fun and they make you feel good. FREE
Pre-registration required. CLICK HERE to Register

Thursday, October 5

9am-3:30pm - Day Trekkers - Silver Falls State Park - Where else can you walk behind a waterfall? Check out the famous South Falls and see what a 177-foot curtain of water looks like from behind. Enjoy lunch in this standout scenic treasure. Please note: There are stairs involved and some parts of the trail may be slick. Distance: 3.2 miles. Elevation Gain: 400ft. Fee includes bag lunch and transportation.
Thursday, October 5 | $40 Resident/$67 Non-Resident
Pre-registration required. CLICK HERE to Register

2-3:30pm - Conversations on Aging: Let's Talk About Healthy Aging - Let's talk about steps we all can take to ensure a better quality of life as we grow older! Healthy aging includes these four essentials: physical exercise; a healthy diet; keeping an active mind and maintaining a positive attitude. Join a group of your peers to discuss successes and struggles, resources and more. FREE
Pre-registration required. CLICK HERE to Register

Friday, October 6

10-11am - SilverSneakers Classic - FREE during Active Aging Week