Regatta Medallion Hunt-Clue #2

Medallion Hunt

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Clue #2
Clue #2 will help narrow the location down to the East or West side of Tualatin


So now you know your quarry lies North,

but so many final destinations remain.

Let’s share more history and throw you a bone,

find this next place and you might even see a crane!


If you hike this site today, you may hear fast cars,

But in 1879 your ears might hear saws.

Rushing water, lumber processed for building fine homes,

and oxen trained so well, the owner could direct with just a ‘gee’ or a ‘haw’.


A pea gravel trail winds along its namesake creek,

You might still spy invasive ivy but native plantings take shape,

Keep an eye out for birds and other small creatures,

Enjoy flowering red current, ponderosa pine, and Oregon grape.


It’s history runs deep but it’s access is new.

Take a stroll, find a dam and you’re well within reach.

If the medallion you seek, it isn’t far now,

Keep exploring, adventuring, the next clue, it will teach.