Park Restroom Renovation

Now Complete Restroom renovation

Our parks have never been destinations because of the restrooms facilities they offer, they are destinations because they are special gathering places, offer connections to nature and many amenities that improve the quality of life in Tualatin. Now, thanks to the park's utility fee, the restrooms at the city's prime community-serving parks might be considered destination-worthy.

The much-needed bathroom renovation at Tualatin Community Park and the Lake of the Commons has been completed. The project included replacing outdated fixtures, sustainability upgrades to lighting and heating, as well as accessibility updates and refreshing the overall look of the restrooms to improve the experience. Visitors can now enjoy these parks year-round without a dreaded trip to the port-a-potty, thanks to heating updates; there will no longer be the need to winterize and close the facilities during the colder months.

While you might not visit parks for the restroom facilities, we do hope when you do, your experience using the facilities is almost as nice as what brought you to the park in the first place.

Restrooms are now open!